Penser la fraternité

Călin Săplăcan

L’Université Babeș-Bolyai de Clu j-Napoca, RoumanieFacul té de Théologie Gréco-Catholique (Polska)


How can we think of a polysemous reality like that of brotherhood? We propose the theological paradigm of the frontier as a method. This paradigm will allow us: first, to read the forms of fraternity (in an articulation of the singular, the particular and the universal); second, to question fraternity anthropologically (which articulates the questions of origin, becoming and end); finally, to consider fraternity ethically (by questioning it from the face of the other, from the socio-cultural values, norms and principles that condition it).

Słowa kluczowe:

braterstwo, granica, forma, antropologia, etyka

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Cited By / Share

Săplăcan, C. . (2019). Penser la fraternité. Warszawskie Studia Teologiczne, 32(4), 124–135.


Călin Săplăcan 

L’Université Babeș-Bolyai de Clu j-Napoca, RoumanieFacul té de Théologie Gréco-Catholique Polska

How can we think of a polysemous reality like that of brotherhood? We propose the theological paradigm of the frontier as a method. This paradigm will allow us: first, to read the forms of fraternity (in an articulation of the singular, the particular and the universal); second, to question fraternity anthropologically (which articulates the questions of origin, becoming and end); finally, to consider fraternity ethically (by questioning it from the face of the other, from the socio-cultural values, norms and principles that condition it).


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