Teologia modlitw maryjnych Piusa XII
In this article, the author analyzes the Marian prayers of Pius XII that he prayed in front of Our Lady’s icons and during the radio messages addressed to the world. These prayers are now on the Vatican website under his name and under the title Preghiere. They were taken from the source documents entitled Discorsi e messaggi ... There are nine of them directed entirely to Our Lady, and a few in which the author addresses only a few sentences to Mary. The ardor of prayer strikes in them. They show the pope’s awareness that he is the one who bears the burden of human poverty, misfortunes, threats, and the indigence of humanity on his shoulders. In Mary, to whom he turns, he sees rescue and as such he points her to all the oppressed. The sublime language of these prayers is delightful, full of subtle, rich metaphors and images, a language to some extent mystical. Certainly, these prayers are full of praise, thanksgiving, beseeching. These prayers are Christocentric, frequently concluded with acts of praise to the Holy Trinity, i.e. doxologies. The prayers of Pius XII are, in a way, a synthesis of pre-conciliar Mariology, in which the privileges of the Immaculate Conception and the Assumption are at the forefront. There is also admiration for Mary’s beauty, her glory, her place in heaven, and at the same time a deep faith in her powerful intercession with God. Adoration and veneration of Mary are constantly intertwined with petitions, in line with the lasting tradition of the Church. They have a huge kerygmatic weightiness. They contribute to build a deep Marian spirituality of the faithful, teaching why and how are they to turn to the heavenly Mother. The prayers are also educative. By praying for particular spiritual gifts, the Pope teaches at the same time for which virtues the particular states should strive.
Słowa kluczowe:
akty oddania, Matka Boża, Niepokalana, Wniebowzięta, Pius XII, modlitwyBibliografia
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Józef WarzeszakAkademia Katolicka w Warszawie Polska
Ks. prof. dr hab. Józef Warzeszak – prezbiter archidiecezji warszawskiej, profesor doktor habilitowany nauk teologicznych, wykładowca dogmatyki na Akademii Katolickiej w Warszawie, a przez kilkanaście lat także na Uniwersytecie Kardynała Stefana Wyszyńskiego w Warszawie.
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