Nauczanie Episkopatu Polski o muzyce w liturgii mszy świętej po II Soborze Watykańskim
Ryszard Bednarek
Papieski Wydział Teologiczny w Warszawie, Collegium Joanneum (Polska)
Music is an intrinsic element of the liturgy of the Church. There is a num-ber of documents of the Holy See concerning music. The Episcopate of Poland also cares about the form of music in Polish churches, publishing its documents. They derive from teachings of the Church, but concern more local issues. They contain instructions on how the musical reality should be formed and clearly show the areas where changes are needed. Teachings of the Episcopate put stress on dignity and sancity of music that should sound during the liturgy. Among the multitude of music genres we should especially respect Gregorian chant as it best suits the liturgy's character, but other music styles are also welcome and ingra-ined in it. As to musical instruments, the pipe organ is the best suited one, it sho-uld however be noted that for liturgy, the manner of performing music is no less important than the choice of instruments. Music should suit the specific subject of the liturgy, the liturgical season, the celebration of the particular day, as well as the moment it is performed. This regards not only the repertoire, but also the manner it is performed. Music has a priority among all the arts, as it carries word. It is so deeply ingrained in liturgy that each of its participants performs music. From the person presiding over the liturgy, to every serving person, to the gathe-red faithful, everybody has own tasks and office, and much of it is musical office. The bishops enumerate it. Not only the celebrant and the serving persons sing, the faithful also express their participation by singing and acclamations, that is by musical elements. The teachings of the Episcopate cover in detail all elements of liturgy than can be sung. The bishops encourage to sing every part of the liturgy for which there are melodies. They provide criterions for choosing chants. They care for musical education of the performers and participants in liturgy. They also provide directions for further reflection and work on practical functioning of music in liturgy in Poland.
Słowa kluczowe:
liturgia, muzyka, śpiew kościelny, normy liturgiczne, nauczanie Episkopatu PolskiBibliografia
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Ryszard BednarekPapieski Wydział Teologiczny w Warszawie, Collegium Joanneum Polska
Mgr lic. Ryszard BEDNAREK – muzyk, muzykolog, teolog. Absolwent Instytutu Muzykologii Uniwersytetu Warszawskiego (studia magisterskie) oraz Papieskiego Wydziału Teologicznego w Warszawie, a także Instytutu Szkolenia Organistów w Warszawie (dyplom I st.) przy tejże uczelni. Organista kościelny z ponad dwudziestoletnim stażem. Od 2007 r. pracuje w parafii Matki Bożej Saletyńskiej w warszawskich Włochach. Od 1992 r. aktywnie działa w Ruchu Światło – Życie. Od 2018 r. jest odpowiedzialnym Diecezjalnej Diakonii Liturgicznej Ruchu Światło – Życie Archidiecezji Warszawskiej. Aktualnie jest doktorantem na Papieskim Wydziale Teologicznym w Warszawie.
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