Wpływ programu Ułożyć życie z Bogiem na praktykę przygotowania do sakramentu bierzmowania w parafiach

Robert Kaczmarek



Confirmation is one of the sacraments that receives the most attention today. It requires extraordinary pastoral effort related to the catechetical preparation of young people to receive it. That is why the author in the article presents the main guidelines of catechesis for confirmation, contained in the current documents of the Church. Then he classifies programs and catechetical materials used in preparation for this sacrament. In the main part of the article, he analyzes the program of the “Jedność” publishing house, entitled Ułożyć życie z Bogiem (Arrange Life with God), based on the results of surveys carried out by this publishing house. Individual elements of the package of materials prepared for this program are thoroughly described and assessed. The article ends with an analysis of the influence of the program on the catechetical and pastoral practice of preparation for confirmation in parishes.

Słowa kluczowe:

animatorzy, bierzmowanie, katecheci, program do bierzmowania



Cited By / Share

Kaczmarek, R. . (2021). Wpływ programu Ułożyć życie z Bogiem na praktykę przygotowania do sakramentu bierzmowania w parafiach . Warszawskie Studia Teologiczne, 34(2), 46–69. https://doi.org/10.30439/WST.2021.2.3


Robert Kaczmarek 



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