Karl Rahner and the practical theology

August Laumer



It is surprising that Karl Rahner (1904-1984), as a systematic theologian, provided essential impulses for practical theology. But he played an important role in planning and editing the "Handbuch der Pastoraltheologie" (1964-1972). The basis for this work was Rahners view of practical theology as a science of the self-fulfillment of the church in the respective current situation. However, this ecclesial conception of pastoral theology soon encountered opposition. On the other hand, his demand for a “new mystagogy” was often taken up for concepts of mystagogical pastoral care and mystagogical learning.

Słowa kluczowe:

Karl Rahner, podstawy teoretyczne teologii praktycznej, teologia pastoralna, mistagogia, duszpasterstwo mistagogiczne


Cited By / Share

Laumer, A. . (2021). Karl Rahner and the practical theology. Warszawskie Studia Teologiczne, 34(2), 70–83. https://doi.org/10.30439/WST.2021.2.4


August Laumer 



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