„Złączenie serca z Bogiem”. Modlitwa w ujęciu św. Urszuli Ledóchowskiej
The article presents the concept of prayer contained in the works of St. Ursula Ledóchowska. It aims to show how the founder of the Congregation of the Ursuline Sisters of the Agonizing Heart of Jesus defines prayer, how she describes it and what she pays attention, giving recommendations, indications and advices concerning the life of prayer. Saint Ursula underlines not so much the importance of many forms and types of prayer, but she emphasizes the personal relationship with God. This distribution of accents makes more characteristic for St. Ursula to speak about the spirit of prayer than about prayer itself in the strict sense.
Słowa kluczowe:
duchowość chrześcijańska, modlitwa, Urszula LedóchowskaStatystyki
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