Die leibliche Differenz und Steins Geschlechter-Anthropologie

Beate Beckmann-Zöller



Edith Stein reflected the sex-gender-problem early in the 1920s and found a ballance between biological, psychological and sociological influences on the person. The meaning of the difference between the sexes is giving live, but the biological state - from a Christian perspective - does not compulsorily lead a woman to become a mother and a man to become a father. In the redemptional order established by Jesus Christ there is the possibility to stay celebate and overcome the natural border between the sexes in developping character traits as a woman that were formerly associated with men and vice versa. The live forms of marriage and celebacy are equally valuable. That leaves an open space in the discussion of compulsory heterosexuality, so that one does not have to devaluate two-gender-normativity nor does one have to automatically follow biological presuppositions.

Słowa kluczowe:

płeć, ciało, antropologia, płeć biologiczna/płeć społeczno-kulturowa, obowiązkowa heteroseksualność, odkupienie, komplementarne dopełnienie, normatywność dualizmu płciowego, formy życia i miłości


Cited By / Share

Beckmann-Zöller, B. (2021). Die leibliche Differenz und Steins Geschlechter-Anthropologie. Warszawskie Studia Teologiczne, 34(2), 120–141. https://doi.org/10.30439/WST.2021.2.7


Beate Beckmann-Zöller 



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