Autonomous drone warfare

Martín Carbajo-Núñez OFM

Pontifical University Antonianum Rome, ItalyAlfonsianum (Pontifical Lateran University) Rome, ItalyFST – San Diego University, CA, USA (Włochy)


Recently, a military robot has autonomously taken the decision to attack enemy troops in the Libyan war without waiting for any human intervention. Russia is also suspected of using such kind of robots in the current war against Ukraine. This news has highlighted the possibility of radical changes in war scenarios. Using a Catholic perspective, we will analyze these new challenges, indicating the anthropological and ethical bases that must lead to the prohibition of autonomous “killer robots” and, more generally, to the overcoming of the just war theory. We will also point out the importance of Francis of Assisi, whom the encyclical Fratelli tutti has proposed again as a model for advancing towards a fraternal and pacified humanity.

Słowa kluczowe:

LAWS, robot, wojna sprawiedliwa, Franciszek z Asyżu, Fratelli tutti

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Carbajo-Núñez OFM, M. . (2022). Autonomous drone warfare. Warszawskie Studia Teologiczne, 35(1), 103–117.


Martín Carbajo-Núñez OFM 

Pontifical University Antonianum Rome, ItalyAlfonsianum (Pontifical Lateran University) Rome, ItalyFST – San Diego University, CA, USA Włochy

Martín Carbajo-Núñez OFM — dr teologii moralnej, licencjat germanistyki, magister komunikacji społecznej, dyplomowany technik komputerowy. Kierownik Katedry Etyki Społecznej na Papieskim Uniwersytecie Antonianum, wykładowca etyki i komunikacji na Antonianum i Alfonsianum w Rzymie oraz we Franciscan School of Theology przy University of San Diego (USA). Były Zastępca Rektora oraz Rector Magnificus ad interim Uniwersytu Antonianum.


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