Principali Commenti Medievali alla Messa Romana nei Secoli XII e XIII: Autori e Tipologia
Łukasz Celiński
Accademia Cattolica di Varsavia, Polonia (Polska)
In the 12th and 13th centuries, medieval commentaries on the liturgy reached the highest point of their development. Despite the passage of time, these writings still enjoy a certain interest today. On the one hand, they bear witness to the dynamism of the development not only of the liturgy itself, but also of the method of its interpretation. On the other hand, the medieval commentaries testify to the desire, present in some way in every age, to preserve what is valid, even if dated. This paper offers a concise look at the main medieval commentaries on the liturgy between the 12th and 13th centuries, containing descriptions of the rite of Mass. The main purpose is to offer the reader some basic information about their authors and the context of their emergence in order to better understand their content.
Słowa kluczowe:
komentarz alegoryczny, historia liturgii, liturgia średniowieczna, msza rzymska, źródła liturgiczneBibliografia
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Łukasz CelińskiAccademia Cattolica di Varsavia, Polonia Polska
Łukasz Celiński, presbitero della Diocesi di Siedlce, dottore in Sacra Liturgia presso il Pontificio Istituto Liturgico Sant’Anselmo in Roma (2020). Insegna liturgia presso il Seminario Maggiore della Diocesi di Siedlce, l’Istituto Teologico di Siedlce e l’Accademia Cattolica di Varsavia (Dewajtis 3, 01-815 Varsavia). Attualmente è direttore dell’Ufficio liturgico diocesano e presidente della Commissione liturgica della Diocesi di Siedlce.
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