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As part of the submission process, authors are required to check off their submission's compliance with all of the following items, and submissions may be returned to authors that do not adhere to these guidelines.

  • the submission has not been previously published, nor is it before another journal for consideration.
  • the article uses the APA bibliographic style (see Author guidelines)
  • the article begins with a clearly separated introduction, in which: 1) the research problem that the author wants to solve is presented; 2) the structure of the article was outlined (successive stages leading to the solution of the research problem)
  • individual parts of the article are separated by subheadings
  • the article ends with a clearly separated ending, in which the author presents the conclusions of the argumentation and possibly suggests the prospect of further research

Authors are responsible for the quality of submitted texts, their linguistic clarity, and comprehensive and proper citation.

The Editorial Board reserves the right to reject submitted articles, introducing and recommending changes as well as rejecting papers which were not revised as suggested.

Formal requirements:

  1. WST publishes papers that do not exceed one publishing sheet (approx. 40 000 characters with spaces and footnotes).
  2. The text must be complemented with the title, an abstract in Polish and English of up to 1 000 characters (including spaces) and keywords (no more than seven). Subheadings are allowed in the text body.
  3. The abstract should include: 1. formulation of the goal/motivation to write the text, 2. outlined scope of research, 3. presented method of conducting research/analyses, 4. the results obtained.
  4. The article should include an introduction, main body and conclusions. The introductory must contain a clearly formulated research problem/questions.
  5. Files prepared in the MS Word editor and saved in .doc or .docx format should be submitted via the platform. Graphics should be sent in the .jpg or .png format and satisfy the quality requirements for print.
  6. Editorial norms for the main text: Times New Roman font, size 12, leading 1.5, margin 2.5 cm. Justification needs to be applied.
  7. Editorial norms for annotations: footnote, Times New Roman font, size 10, leading 1.0. The footnotes end with a full stop. Footnote references within the text are to be placed before the punctuation mark.


1) At the first mention, the full name is to be provided and the abbreviation used further in the text is given brackets.

2) The authors should follow the APA style guidelines:

  • In round brackets, the surname of the author and the year of publication is given. Page number is provided in case of direct citation. According to APA standards, surnames, years and page numbers are separated with a comma.

It is said that sociology is a new branch of science dealing with very old issues. Or that sociology has a short history, but a long past. Indeed, it was born as a separate area of science as late as in the first half of 19th century. (Sztompka, 2002, p. 11).

  • If the author's surname or year of publication is a part of the sentence in the main text, the brackets contain only the missing information:

According to Sztompka (2002, p. 11), sociology is a new branch of science dealing with very old issues. Or that sociology has a short history, but a long past. Indeed, it was born as a separate area of science as late as in the first half of 19th century.

  • If the publication was written by two authors, their surnames are separated with a comma:

Sociology is a branch of science researching social coexistence, its tangible and intangible products, factors affecting their emergence (Januszek, Sikora, 2008).

  • If a publication has three, four or five authors, the first citation lists all of them, while in all other cases only the first surname is provided and the rest is substituted with “et al.”:

It is said that sociology is a new branch of science dealing with very old issues. Or that sociology has a short history, but a long past (Szacka, Sztompka, Turner, 2002).

Next citation:
Indeed, it was born as a separate area of science as late as in the first half of 19th century (Sztompka et al. 2002).

  • Citing two or more publications of various authors at the same time: authors are listed alphabetically, with the references to their publications separated with a semicolon.

Both P. Sztompka (2002, p.11) and W. Zembaczyński (2003, p.24) believe that sociology is a new branch of science dealing with very old issues.

It is said that sociology is a new branch of science dealing with very old issues. Or that sociology has a short history, but a long past (Berger, 2010; Sztompka, 2002).

  • Citing more than one publication of the same author: after the surname, the years of publishing the sources are listed chronologically.

A sociologist is believed to be a person able to break free from the direct conditions of the self and see the issues in a broader context (Giddens, 2005, 2006).

If both sources were published in the same year, a letter of the alphabet is added to each date.

A sociologist is believed to be a person able to break free from the direct conditions of the self and see the issues in a broader context (Giddens, 2007a, 2007b).

  • If authors have the same surname: the publications are differentiated with the first letter of the author's first name.

Both P. Sztompka (2002, p.11) and W. Sztompka (2003, p.24) believe that sociology is a new branch of science dealing with very old issues.

  • Direct quotation:

If the quoted fragment is longer than 40 words, it should form a separate paragraph with an indent (5 spaces), without inverted commas, and there should be an empty verse before and after the text. If the quoted fragment is shorter than 40 words, it should be incorporated in the main text and put in inverted commas.

Sztompka (2002, p.11) believes that “sociology is a new branch of science dealing with very old issues. Or that sociology has a short history, but a long past. Indeed, it was born as a separate area of science as late as in the first half of the 19th century.”

Sztompka (2002, p.11) defines sociology in the following manner:

It is said that sociology is a new branch of science dealing with very old issues. Or that sociology has a short history, but a long past. Indeed, it was born as a separate area of science as late as in the first half of 19th century. The very term “sociology” was introduced in 1838 by a French philosopher, Auguste Comte, as a compound made of the Latin word socius (community, society) and the Greek term logos (wisdom, knowledge). In the middle of the century, a British thinker, Herbert Spencer, writes books that incorporate the term “sociology” in their titles. However, the entire 19th century had to pass before sociology became recognised as an academic discipline taught at universities.

And yet Giddens (1998) sees sociology differently.

  • If the reference to a publication is indirect:

The original source needs to be provided, followed by “after” and the secondary source in which the original source was discussed.


For Sztompka and Turner (2002, after: Szacka, 2005), sociology analyses the society by…

3) The paper should end with a list of sources:

  • List of sources according to APA standards:
  1. The title “List of sources” is left-aligned.
  2. The list of sources starts at a separate page at the end of the document, before the attachments.
  3. The records follow the alphabetical order, determined by the first letter of the author's surname.
  4. Each new reference starts without any indentation and is left-aligned, next rows within the record should be indented with 5 spaces.
  5. Format for the list of sources:

Author's surname, first name initial. (year). Title of the book, place of publication: publisher.

Giddens, A. (1998). Socjologia. Zwięzłe, lecz krytyczne wprowadzenie, Poznań: Wydawnictwo Zysk i S-ka

Book (more than three authors:)
Bobowski, K., Kowalski, P. and Nowak, A. (2001). Potoczne teorie dotyczące emocji. Warsaw: Wydawnictwo XYZ

Chapter or fragment of a book
Surname, first name initial. (year). Chapter title. In: First name initial. Surname (ed.), Title of the book (pages). Place of publication: publisher.

Sztompka, P. (2002). Socjologia i społeczeństwo. In: P. Sztompka (ed.), Niestabilność wzrostu gospodarczego (10-45). Cracow: Znak

Article in a printed journal
Surname, first name initial. (year). Title of the article. Title of the journal, volume (no.), pages.

Bartkowski, J. (2010). Zachowania wyborcze Pomorzan. Studia Socjologiczne, 3 (198), p. 30-37

Article in an online version
Surname, first name initial. (year). Title of the article. Title of the journal, volume (no.), pages. Accessed at: xxx (date of access).

Słowińska, K. (2010). Społeczny świat hodowców gołębi pocztowych. Przegląd Socjologii Jakościowej, 6 (3), 1-135. Accessed at: (2010, 12, 07).

Audiovisual document
Reed, C. (Director). (1949). The Third Man [Motion picture]. United Kingdom: British Lion/London Films.

More information on the APA standard