“Open Your Ears and I Will Speak to You” – Odes of Salomon 9, 14, 28, 32 and 34:Translation from Syriac with an Introduction

Piotr Jutkiewicz

Pontificio Istituto Biblico, Rzym (Italy)


The Odes of Solomon are a most ancient pearl of christian poetry, as their text stems from the beginning of the second century AD. The text of these hymns is preserved first of all in Syriac, with fragments also in Coptic, Greek and Latin. Until now only a small number of the forty-two odes have been translated into Polish from these original languages. More translations have been executed from other modern languages, but never for the entire text. This paper introduces basic questions concerning the Odes of Solomon, presenting an up-to-date bibliography on the topic and offers a translation of five odes, never before translated from Syriac into Polish, with a brief textual commentary. This work announces a publication (in
preparation) of the whole collection of the Odes of Solomon in Polish.


Odes of Solomon, Syriac, christian poetry

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Cited by

Jutkiewicz, P. . (2019). “Open Your Ears and I Will Speak to You” – Odes of Salomon 9, 14, 28, 32 and 34:Translation from Syriac with an Introduction. Warsaw Theological Studies, 32(2), 138–154. https://doi.org/10.30439/WST.2019.2.8


Piotr Jutkiewicz 

Pontificio Istituto Biblico, Rzym Italy

The Odes of Solomon are a most ancient pearl of christian poetry, as their text stems from the beginning of the second century AD. The text of these hymns is preserved first of all in Syriac, with fragments also in Coptic, Greek and Latin. Until now only a small number of the forty-two odes have been translated into
Polish from these original languages. More translations have been executed from other modern languages, but never for the entire text. This paper introduces basic questions concerning the Odes of Solomon, presenting an up-to-date bibliography on the topic and offers a translation of five odes, never before translated from Syriac into Polish, with a brief textual commentary. This work announces a publication (in preparation) of the whole collection of the Odes of Solomon in Polish.


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