The mystery of the Heart of Jesus as the essence of Christianity according to Benedict XVI
The article presents this teaching of the pope Benedict XVI, which deals with the mystery of the Heart of Jesus. Benedict XVI remarks that the essence of Christianity is expressed in the Heart of Jesus. The mystery of the most holy Heart of Jesus shows the sensitive, sincere, sympathetic and compassionate love of God, which reveals itself mainly in the cross of the Redeemer. The experience of this love is a force which changes human’s existence. Benedict XVI shows that the task of Christians is to intensify the connection with the Heart of Jesus – this connection should reinvigorate their faith in the saving love of God.
the Heart of Jesus, Christianity, Benedict XVI, Christian loveReferences
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Małgorzata PagaczAkademia Katolicka w Warszawie Poland
S. dr Małgorzata Pagacz USJK – należy do Zgromadzenia Sióstr Urszulanek Serca Jezusa Konającego, doktor nauk teologicznych (Papieski Wydział Teologiczny w Warszawie), magister matematyki (Uniwersytet Jagielloński), licencjat z filozofii (Akademia Ignatianum w Krakowie).
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