History of the crucifixion in ancient times

Przemysław Kubisiak

Katolicki Uniwersytet Lubelski Jana Pawła II (Poland)


Thanks to the messages of the canonical gospels, tradition and Christian iconography, the punishment and cruelty of the crucifixion are associated first of all with Jesus Christ. It is obvious that over the centuries the cross has undergone a kind of evolution which, from a simple symbolic punishment, has become a cursed and disgraceful form of martyrdom brought to perfection by the Romans, both in the manner of execution and in the infinite pain. This text is designed to bring the issue of people crossing across history and to distinguish different types of cross used to inflict this kind of severe and bestial type of rubbish.


cross, crucifixion, death

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Cited by

Kubisiak, P. . (2020). History of the crucifixion in ancient times. Warsaw Theological Studies, 33(1), 256–273. https://doi.org/10.30439/WST.2020.1.12


Przemysław Kubisiak 

Katolicki Uniwersytet Lubelski Jana Pawła II Poland


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