An Analysis of the Eucharistic Prayer G of the Church of England

Dominik Bosak

Akademia Katolicka w Warszawie (Poland)


The article is dedicated to the analysis of one of the contemporary eucharistic prayers of the Church of England. The author analyzes Eucharistic Prayer G, which is one of the main eucharistic prayers in the Church of England. Prayer G is included in the main volume of the liturgical series of Common Worship in Order One, which means that the Prayer is intended for widespread use in the liturgy of the Church of England. Prayer G apart from standard parts of every anaphora, such as the introductory dialogue or the institution narrative, contains also its own characteristics in its content. In the course of the analysis, the author points out specific features of the Prayer, which indicate uniqueness of Prayer G among other eucharistic prayers of the Church of England.


God, Christ, Eucharist, Church of England, eucharistic prayer

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Cited by

Bosak, D. . (2022). An Analysis of the Eucharistic Prayer G of the Church of England. Warsaw Theological Studies, 35(2), 6–29.


Dominik Bosak 

Akademia Katolicka w Warszawie Poland

Dominik Bosak — mgr lic. teologii ze specjalizacją w zakresie teologii dogmatycznej (2022, Akademia Katolicka w Warszawie). Katecheta w szkole podstawowej i w liceum, autor artykułów naukowych. Jego zainteresowania naukowe koncentrują się wokół teologii katolickiej i anglikańskiej.



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