Post-theological contest of faculties: on the supposed superiority of political sciences over post-theology

Piotr Mazurkiewicz

Uniwersytet Kardynała Stefana Wyszyńskiego, Instytut Politologii (Poland)


In the article the author presents the analysis of cultural processes that have a negative impact on the Catholic Church and Christianity, threatening the very essence of the mission of the Church, as well as leading to dechristianisation of societies. The disquisition presented in the article starts from the problem of political involvement of priests. The author presents the argumentation taken from the teachings of the Catholic Church, showing why priests should keep a distance from politics, as well as exceptions to this rule. Analysing further the Church's coming too close to politics, the article focuses on the phenomenon of reducing the idea of salvation and mission of the Church to the dimension of worldliness as a process that may lead to the loss of the essence by Christianity. Another threat of this type presented in the article is popularisation in the Church and in theology of the notions, that have been created in order to supersede from science the terms with Christian provenance. This leads to the adoption of atheistic para-digm in theology. This phenomenon is accompanied by other dangerous tendency, namely the secularisation of Christians, who think, make decisions and live as though Christ did not exist.


the Church, Christianity, secularisation, dechristianisation,, atheistic paradigm

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Cited by

Mazurkiewicz, P. (2018). Post-theological contest of faculties: on the supposed superiority of political sciences over post-theology. Warsaw Theological Studies, 31(2), 76–90.


Piotr Mazurkiewicz 

Uniwersytet Kardynała Stefana Wyszyńskiego, Instytut Politologii Poland

Ks. prof. dr hab. Piotr MAZURKIEWICZ – profesor zwyczajny w zakresie katolickiej nauki społecznej i nauk o polityce, kierownik katedry Teorii Polityki i Myśli Politycznej w Instytucie Politologii Uniwersytetu Kardynała Stefana Wyszyńskiego. Opublikował Kościół i demokracja (2001), Europeizacja Europy. Tożsamość kulturowa Europy w kontekście procesów integracji (2001), Przemoc w polityce (2006), W krainie bezżenności (2014), Europa jako Kinder Niespodzianka (2017).


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