The Polish Experience as an Illustration of the Theology of the Nation
Paweł Warchoł
Uniwersytet Kardynała Stefana Wyszyńskiego, Wydział Teologiczny, Instytut "Kolbianum" (Poland)
The theology of the nation is a section of theology, that describes its histo-ry in the light of Christian faith. Its essence consists in appealing both to God and to the activity of the nation in the world as Christian witness. Theology of a na-tion grows out of the event of baptism, which influences the morality of society, politics, social issues, culture and economy. Baptism is the foundation of national identity and encourages the construction of a world in which Christian values are taken into account. Theology of the Polish nation was developed the mainly during the time of the „partitions”, when Poland ceased to exist as an independent state. In spite of this circumstance, the nation survived, thanks to its faith in God and its wil-lingness to cooperate effectively with him in order to regain his independence. The Mother of Jesus, who was named Queen of Poland, who taught Poles the love of the homeland and reconciliation of her children, was an aid to the oppressed nation.During the partitions, a valuable role in regaining the independence by Poland was played by the artists, who were interpreting the history of Poland in the light of the Bible and its message. In this way, they created a spark of hope, so that the overwhelming darkness that fell on the nation do not obscure the pursuit of freedom. In the 20th century, when the nation experienced occupation – first, German, and then Soviet – the Poles were given great spiritual leaders: Cardinal Stefan Wyszyński and John Paul II are an example of wisdom and courage in le-ading the nation towards independence.The experience of Poland confirms that in the nation the most important is the spirit that gives its inhabitants strength and power. When the nation calls on God, he will endure the most painful torments. The strength of the spirit guaran-tees the spiritual development of the community, stimulates action and releases hope for a better future. In modern times, the Polish nation finds it in the message of God's mercy.
theology, nation, laws, independence, Christianity, identity, Church, cross, Virgin Mary, mercyReferences
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Paweł WarchołUniwersytet Kardynała Stefana Wyszyńskiego, Wydział Teologiczny, Instytut "Kolbianum" Poland
O. dr hab. Paweł WARCHOŁ – kapłan w Zakonie Braci Mniejszych Konwentualnych. Wykłada teologię na Papieskim Wydziale Teologicznym w Warszawie, mariologię w Centrum Studium Mariologicznych „Kolbianum” w Niepokalanowie oraz teologię dogmatyczną i teologię duchowości w Wyższym Seminarium Duchownym Ojców Franciszkanów w Łodzi Łagiewnikach. Autor wielu rozpraw i artykułów. Prowadzi rekolekcje parafialne i zakonne. Autor książki: Krew i woda – dar miłości miłosiernej. Studium historyczno-teologiczne przebitego boku Chrystusa w literaturze teologicznej i duchowej.
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