The tasks of the family, school and the Church in the upbringing of young people, according to the research of the Institute of Integrated Pedagogy

Michał Polny

Papieski Wydział Teologiczny w Warszawie, Collegium Joanneum (Poland)


Many institutions deal with the problem of bringing up children and young people. One of them is the Catholic Church. The 21st century is a time when some scientists claim that the parental education authority has disappeared, teachers have become only communicators of knowledge in lessons and the Church is a relic of a bygone with no right to take care of the younger generation. Facing such postulates, pedagogues and psychologists associated in the Institute of Integrated Prophylaxis decided to carry out statistical research. The purpose of this surveys was, to indicate the impact of particular educational environments on young people.The authors of the study showed that the child, even if it does not show, very o@en needs the parents authority. This situation positively affects the child's development and protects children and adolescents from harmful situations. Young people expect to be heard and understood. The dialogue is easiest way to prevent the emergence of risky and anti-social behavior in children’s life. Similar tasks, especially in relation to children from broken families, have teachers. More than half of young people point from one to several teachers who were important to them in matters of life. It has also been proved that religious education and the activity of various religious groups, headed by the Catholic Church, constitute an important help in the process of education. Those people for whom faith is important, who live according to religion, are much less susceptible to the emergence of different educational problems in their lives.In conclusion, it should be noted that the research took into account the activity of these three environments without taking into account the cooperation of these institutions. Cooperation could reduce the appearance of various problems to zero.


Christian upbringing, educational environments, parental authority, education in school and parish

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Cited by

Polny, M. (2018). The tasks of the family, school and the Church in the upbringing of young people, according to the research of the Institute of Integrated Pedagogy. Warsaw Theological Studies, 31(2), 146–164.


Michał Polny 

Papieski Wydział Teologiczny w Warszawie, Collegium Joanneum Poland

Ks. dr Michał POLNY – kapłan Archidiecezji Warszawskiej; w 2010 r. uzyskał tytuł magistra teologii na Papieskim Wydziale Teologicznym w Warszawie. W tym samym roku przyjął sakrament święceń w stopniu prezbitera i rozpoczął pracę duszpasterską. W 2012 r. podjął studia doktoranckie z katechetyki na Wydziale Teologicznym Uniwersytetu Kardynała Stefana Wyszyńskiego. W czasie studiów pracował w zespole redakcyjnym podręczników do szkolnej lekcji religii dla klas IV-VI oraz prowadził ćwiczenia z katechetyki w WMSD. W 2017 r. obronił pracę doktorską i rozpoczął pracę na PWTW.


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