From the Christ of history and faith to Jesus the inner reformer. A change in the Christological perspective in the thought of Tomasz Polak

Przemysław Artemiuk

Uniwersytet Kardynała Stefana Wyszyńskiego w Warszawie (Poland)


The aim of the article is to show the change that has taken place in prof. T. Pole to Jesus of Nazareth. Based on his works, the author attempted to recreate the transition from Christ of history and faith to Jesus, the inner reformer and a man with a deep experience of God. In the first part of the article, the author presented the image of the Nazarene that emerges from the writings of T. Węcławski. In the second part, an outline of his paschal ontology. The third part was devoted to the current views of the Poznań researcher, expressed primarily in the last book on the church system and in interviews accompanying its publication. The research conducted allows the following conclusions to be drawn: fundamental Christology, which emerges from T. Węcławski's works published until 2006, is methodologically organized, focused on key Gospel threads, and shows Jesus of history and faith; the outline of paschal ontology is an original concept attempting to characterize the revelation of God in Jesus Christ using new ontological and gnoseological principles; Jesus emerging from the "Church System" is a man of the religious order, but the possibility of clearly defining His historical person seems difficult.


Jesus, Christ, history, faith, fundamental Christology, paschal ontology, church system, Tomasz Węcławski, Tomasz Polak

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Cited by

Artemiuk, P. (2024). From the Christ of history and faith to Jesus the inner reformer. A change in the Christological perspective in the thought of Tomasz Polak. Warsaw Theological Studies, 37(1), 6–38.


Przemysław Artemiuk 

Uniwersytet Kardynała Stefana Wyszyńskiego w Warszawie Poland

Przemysław Artemiuk – ks. prof. ucz. dr hab,. teolog fundamentalny, kierownik Katedry Teologii Fundamentalnej i Prakseologii Apologijnej na Wydziale Teologicznym Uniwersytetu Kardynała Stefana Wyszyńskiego w Warszawie (ul. Dewajtis 5, 01–815 Warszawa), wykładowca w Wyższym Seminarium Duchownym w Łomży oraz przewodniczący Stowarzyszenia Teologów Fundamentalnych w Polsce. Ostatnio opublikował monografię Kim jest papież w Kościele? Szkice z teologii prymatu (Płock 2022) oraz pracę Wiara na peryferiach. Eseje o Kościele (Kraków 2023), a także zredagował tomy studiów Hermeneutyka i apologia. W kręgu myśli teologicznej ks. Henryka Seweryniaka (Płock 2022) i Wokół pytań o początki chrystologii (Kraków 2023; wraz ze S. Zatwardnickim).




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