Two Glosses on Divine Providence. A philosophical commentary on Psalm 91 and Psalm 104

Bogusław Jasiński

Karpacz (Poland)


The content of the article is to lay out two understandings of the concept of Divine Providence: subjective, referring to man, and objective, referring to the entire created world. The author uses in his analyses the category of existential experience, to which he reduces the concept. This procedure avoids the fateful attempt to ask the question of the definition of the category of Divine Providence, that is, what it is, and instead, examines how the category works – precisely in concrete experience. He conducts his analysis on the material of a reading of two of his chosen Psalms 91 and 104.


experience, Divine Providence, existence, understanding, ethosophy

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Cited by

Jasiński, B. (2024). Two Glosses on Divine Providence. A philosophical commentary on Psalm 91 and Psalm 104. Warsaw Theological Studies, 37(1), 206–229.


Bogusław Jasiński 

Karpacz Poland

Bogusław Jasiński – absolwent filologii polskiej, filozofii, a także Wydziału Reżyserii Dramatu Akademii Teatralnej w Warszawie. Wykładowca na wielu uczelniach w kraju i za granicą. Autor kilkunastu książek z zakresu filozofii i estetyki. Twórca i artystyczny lider grupy „Pracownia Teatru”, członek „Sztuki i Teorii”, jeden z animatorów ruchu awangardy. Pisze także opowiadania, dramaty i poezje. Adres: ul. T. Kościuszki 62, 58–540 Karpacz.


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