Edith Stein's interpretation of the human body

Tymoteusz Mietelski

Papieski Wydział Teologiczny w Warszawie, Collegium Joanneum (Poland)


Edith Stein designates a human body as Leib, the living body, always present in reference to the subject. It is crucial to recognise this unique status of the human body. According to Husserl’s student, the living body carries distinctive sorts of sensation, it is the zero point of the spatial orientation, it has the capability for self-movement, it is constructed of moving organs, it is a place for experience and free will. Nowadays, in public discourse, one can observe on one hand, that too much attention is given to the body, on the other hand, a depreciation of the human body. Thus, bringing Edith Stein’s ideology on a human body is of great value as she assigns its important role in cognition of another human being.


phenomenology, human body, human being, another subject

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Cited by

Mietelski, T. . (2018). Edith Stein’s interpretation of the human body. Warsaw Theological Studies, 31(4), 78–93. https://doi.org/10.30439/WST.2018.4.5


Tymoteusz Mietelski 

Papieski Wydział Teologiczny w Warszawie, Collegium Joanneum Poland

Ks. mgr Tymoteusz MIETELSKI – kapłan Archidiecezji Warszawskiej. W 2017 r. przyjął święcenia i uzyskał tytuł magistra teologii na Papieskim Wydziale Teologicznym w Warszawie. Obecnie jest wikariuszem parafii Najświętszej Maryi Panny Matki Kościoła w Warszawie.


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