Theology and Conversion: Anthropocentric or Theocentric?

Matthew Levering

Mundelein Seminary, Illinois, USA (United States)


The paper focuses on the solutions to the crisis in theology. The author claims that the root of the problem is anthropocentrism of theological considerations. Theologians underline the importance of grace received by the human community. The tendency of such theology is o$en to ignore the importance of God’s action and to interpret the events connected to the resurrection of Christ in a symbolic way, as it is exemplified in the theology of Edward Schillebeeckx. The paper sees a needed theological conversion in return to Jesus Christ Himself; to His demanding words and example.


Resurrection, anthropocentric theology, theocentric theology, conversion, Schillebeeckx, Thomas Aquinas

Schillebeeckx E. (1966), Chrystus, Sakrament spotkania z Bogiem, Kraków.
  Google Scholar

Schillebeeckx E. (1980), Christ. The Christian experience in the modern world, London.
  Google Scholar

Schillebeeckx E. (2014), Jesus: An Experiment in Christology, New York.
  Google Scholar



Cited by

Levering, M. (2017). Theology and Conversion: Anthropocentric or Theocentric?. Warsaw Theological Studies, 30(3-4), 6–14. Retrieved from


Matthew Levering 

Mundelein Seminary, Illinois, USA United States

prof. Matthew LEVERING – profesor dogmatyki, znawca św. Tomasza, założyciel i redaktor angielskiej edycji czasopisma „Nova et Vetera”, członek redakcji „International Journal of Systematic Theology”. Autor licznych książek: m. in. tłumaczonej na język polski: Pismo Święte i metafizyka. Tomasz z Akwinu i odnowa teologii trynitarnej czy też Christ’s Fulfillment of Torah and Temple. Salvation according to Thomas Aquinas oraz Proofs of God. Classical Arguments from Tertullian to Barth.


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