Mercy in Spiritual Theology

Marek Kotyński

Papieski Wydział Teologiczny w Warszawie - Collegium Joanneum (Poland)


Pursuant to the teachings of Pope Francis, mercy – as a theological term – constitutes a “generating category” which in other words ought to be understood as a specific form or yet an approach manifested in the perception of the general Christian Experience as well as recognition of its visibility and witnessing it. The article indicates that mercy is most of all a spiritual experience that allows to witness the mystery of the presence of the Holy Spirit. Thus, it cannot be limited to one-dimensional human experiences as it reaches far beyond any one-dimensional definitions. Pope Francis calls upon theologians to ascend to the level of such direct experience of the Spirit that ought to contribute to the witnessing of God’s mercy for it is the sole generator of God’s light and knowledge. Therefore, it allows to open and fulfill in the Church the ministry of pondering and discovering new ways of God. Sometimes it constitutes consent to one’s personal helplessness and silence that is filled with impatience and unrest that becomes the humble proof of following the path of challenges that are set upon Christians in this day and age, o`en leading to darkness of faith, full of hope and love.


spiritual experience, Pope Francis, mercy, Holy Spirit

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Cited by

Kotyński, M. (2017). Mercy in Spiritual Theology. Warsaw Theological Studies, 30(3-4), 32–51. Retrieved from


Marek Kotyński 

Papieski Wydział Teologiczny w Warszawie - Collegium Joanneum Poland

O. dr Marek KOTYŃSKI CSsR – redemptorysta, teolog-filmoznawca, absolwent Papieskiego Uniwersytetu Gregoriańskiego oraz Papieskiego Instytutu Duchowości Teresianum w Rzymie. Jest wykładowcą duchowości Papieskiego Wydziału Teologicznego Collegium Ioanneum w Warszawie. Specjalizuje się w problematyce ekspresji doświadczenia religijnego w kulturze i sztuce, ze szczególnym uwzględnieniem duchowości kina.


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