Does postmodernism reject religion?
Przemysław Jan Ćwiek
Papieski Wydział Teologiczny w Warszawie - Collegium Joanneum (Poland)
When John Paul II in the Encyclical „Fides et Ratio” wrote that „the tho-ught streams that refer to postmodernism deserve attention’ (point 91), this bro-ught about a lot of confusion among many philosophers. The nineties of the last century were marked by an intense confrontation of the widely understood Chri-stian philosophy with postmodernism. In postmodernism the destructive nihilism was perceived, and in many polemics more o{en warned than encouraged to reflect on this philosophical stream.It has been some time since postmodernism was contentiously discussed and the term itself has ceased to evoke such strong emotions. The question worth arising is: whether philosophizing in the spirit of postmodernism must really ine-vitably lead to the rejection of religion as such?
postmodernism, philosophy of religion, Christianity, Lyotard, Foucault, DerridaReferences
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Przemysław Jan ĆwiekPapieski Wydział Teologiczny w Warszawie - Collegium Joanneum Poland
Ks. mgr Przemysław Jan ĆWIEK – kapłan Archidiecezji Warszawskiej, studiował filozofię i teologię fundamentalną na Katolickim Uniwersytecie Lubelskim. Pracuje jako asystent na Papieskim Wydziale Teologicznym w Warszawie, prowadzi zajęcia z historii filozofii, etyki i religiologii. Jest wychowawcą i kierownikiem studiów w Wyższym Metropolitalnym Seminarium Duchownym w Warszawie.
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