The Future and the Tasks of Theology
Jerzy Szymik
Wydział Teologiczny UŚ (Poland)
A question involving the tasks of theology in the presence of the Mystery of God is de facto the question of the very nature of theology, the cognitive role of faith and the interrelation between faith and mind. J. Ratzinger/Benedict XVI devotes a lot of attention to this issue in his publications and teachings. He teaches that faith releases and purifies mind (making in independent, non-ideologised), opening it towards the truth, thus also towards the mystery. Recognising the priority of gi<, God’s grace, who makes Himself known through His Word and actions, constitutes a vital condition of theological cognition. A<er all, it has Christological sense: Son knows His Father and wants to reveal the Mystery of God. The identity of theology is also shaped by spiritual experience and that, in turn, implies strict, multi-dimen-sional interconnection between theology and holiness. J. Ratzinger/Benedict XVI draws methodological consequences from ecclesiastic experience of holiness and perceives holiness as the fundamental meta-theological and hermeneutic category. Only holiness, understood as remaining within the orbit of God’s love, enables theological cognition. That is why experience of the saints serves as the necessary benchmark and criterion of the appropriateness of all theological thoughts. Theology is subordinated (secondary) to holiness – sanctitati subalternata, both in individual dimension (theologian’s attitude), and in the ecclesiastic one (theology as science ingrained in the Church).
mystery, faith, mind, theology, Word, Christology, cognition, the Bible, holinessReferences
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Jerzy SzymikWydział Teologiczny UŚ Poland
Ks. prof. dr hab. Jerzy SZYMIK – kapłan Archidiecezji Katowickiej, teolog i poeta. W latach 1986-2008 związany z Katolickim Uniwersytetem Lubelskim, gdzie był kierownikiem Katedry Chrystologii. Od 2005 r. pracownik Zakładu Teologii Dogmatycznej WTL Uniwersytetu Śląskiego w Katowicach, od 2014 r. Katedry Teologii Dogmatycznej i Duchowości WTL UŚ. W latach 2004-2014 członek watykańskiej Międzynarodowej Komisji Teologicznej. Od 2015 r. członek Komitetu Nauk Teologicznych PAN. Specjalizuje się w chrystologii, metodologii teologii, teologii kultury, teologii J. Ratzingera/Benedykta XVI, stały współpracownik „Gościa Niedzielnego”. Autor 60 książek naukowych, poetyckich, eseistycznych, Teologia na usługach wiary, bliższa życiu ... w 30 lat później (Lublin 2011); Chodzi o Boga (Katowice 2012); Hilasterion (Katowice 2014); Teologia i my (Katowice 2014); Theologia benedicta, t. I-III (Katowice 2010-2015); Poezja i teologia,
t. I--III (Katowice 2009-2016).
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