Dialogue of values in contemporary European reality

Witold Kawecki

Uniwersytet Kardynała Stefana Wyszyńskiego, Wydział Teologiczny (Poland)


It is currently becoming a challenge of the times to create authentic values in culture, which will allow human beings to save their humanity. There exists a dialectic relationship among values and culture. Values are determined by culture in its origin, content and model of functioning. Culture, on the other hand, is determined by the values that function whithin it. In whatever way we approach the world of values in culture, it is certain that they are objective, because they are rooted in the human world. They complement human beings. The article analyses three pillars of identity (value) of European culture as seen by Card. Ratzinger, namely: law, marriage and family and respect for sanctity. They decide, in a mea-surable manner, about future European identity and consequently about the future of the Old Continent.


intercultural dialogue, dialogue of values, European identity, culture war, future of Europe

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Cited by

Kawecki, W. (2017). Dialogue of values in contemporary European reality. Warsaw Theological Studies, 30(1), 108–125. Retrieved from https://czasopismowst.pl/index.php/wst/article/view/84


Witold Kawecki 

Uniwersytet Kardynała Stefana Wyszyńskiego, Wydział Teologiczny Poland


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