Texts that do not follow the editorial guidelines provided on the journal website are rejected.
Texts that violate the intellectual property rights (plagiarism) and instances of autoplagiarism are rejected.
The Editorial Board highlights that ghost-writing and guest authorship are seen as unfair scientific conduct. All discovered cases will be exposed and relevant facilities will be notified (meaning institutions hiring the authors, scientific associations, associations of scientific editors, etc.).
The journal does not publish popular science and journalistic texts.
Review standards
Initial selection of the submitted texts is performed by the Editorial Board. The relevance of the discussed issue with regard to the journal's profile, subject-matter value, language quality and style are assessed at this stage.
Texts approved by the Editorial Board are then evaluated by reviewers appointed by the Editorial Board among the persons with a strong scientific record in their respective fields.
To ensure unbiased and reliable assessment, the papers are subject to double-blind review procedures carried out by two independent reviewers.
The review is done in writing and ends with a clear statement whether the reviewer believes that the paper should be published (positive review) or rejected (negative review).
The criteria for assessment are listed in the review form.
The Editorial Board bases its decision of rejecting, accepting or sending back the text to the author for improvements on the review results.
The Editorial Board reserves the right of not publishing an article even if both reviews are positive, but the reviewers point our significant faults in the paper and failures on the author's side.
If the manuscript receives one positive and one negative review, the Editorial Board appoints an additional reviewer.
The text is not published if it receives two negative reviews.