Człowiek – subiektywność – Bóg. Zalążki współczesnej filozofii egzystencjalnej u św. Augustyna

Robert Warchał

Uniwersytet Papieski Jana Pawła II w Krakowie (Polska)


The presented article will analyze the anthropological and cognitive aspects of Augustine's doctrine in the context of existential philosophy. Augustine’s doctrine depicts a human being as a well-ordered structure that brings together various distinct strands. Among them, one cannot ignore the subject of bottom-up approach to anthropology, or the author's stance on transcendence. The following article is to discuss the main aspects of experience in human being, which are part of the subject of existential philosophy. Augustine’s conception could be called anthropology of the thinking subject, as all our emotions tend to be conditioned through the prism of what is happening here and now. The similarity of his views with the existential movement lies in the fact that both trends focus on an individual going through a crisis. From a philosophical point of view, Augustine concentrates on the analysis our existence in conjunction with the issues of evanescence. The relevance of his doctrine results from the fact that the author demonstrates the positive aspects of human being, which comes from metaphysical source, that is, from God who is its fullness and model in a completely unconditioned way.

Słowa kluczowe:

św. Augustyn, subiektywność, poznanie, Bóg, transcendencja, egzystencjalizm

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Cited By / Share

Warchał, R. (2022). Człowiek – subiektywność – Bóg. Zalążki współczesnej filozofii egzystencjalnej u św. Augustyna. Warszawskie Studia Teologiczne, 35(1), 134–147.


Robert Warchał 

Uniwersytet Papieski Jana Pawła II w Krakowie Polska

Robert Warchał - dr nauk humanistycznych, absolwent Uniwersytetu Papieskiego Jana Pawła II w Krakowie. Ukończył studia z teologii (studia magisterskie) oraz filozofii (studia doktoranckie).


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