A Decade of Research on Origen’s Homilies on the Psalms (Codex Monacensis Graecus 314)

José Alviar

Universidad de Navarra, Pamplona  (Hiszpania)


Slightly more than a decade has passed since the momentous discovery in Munich of 29 Greek homilies by Origen on the Psalms. In all this time, the new material has been the object of intense study on the part of scholars. The present article offers a description and classification of the research published to date, identifying the principal avenues of investigation opened by access to Origenistic texts hitherto unknown to modern scholars.

Słowa kluczowe:

Orygenes, egzegeza, Psalmy, Codex Monacensis Graecus 314

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Cited By / Share

Alviar, J. (2023). A Decade of Research on Origen’s Homilies on the Psalms (Codex Monacensis Graecus 314). Warszawskie Studia Teologiczne, 36(1), 50–69. https://doi.org/10.30439/WST.2023.1.3


José Alviar 

Universidad de Navarra, Pamplona  Hiszpania

José Alviar – Professor, Catholic priest, professor of dogmatic theology at the University of Navarra in Pamplona (Campus Universitario, Pamplona 31009, Navarra, Spain). He specializes in eschatology and theology of inculturation.


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