The homily “On fasting” by Rǝtuʿa Haymanot (CAe 6587). Edition and translation

Marcin Krawczuk

Uniwersytet Warszawski (Polska)


This article provides an editio princeps and a translation of a Gǝʿǝz homily, “On fasting” (CAe 6587), attributed to the author known under the pen name Rǝtuʿa Haymanot. The edition is based on two manuscript witnesses from the 14th century: EMML 1763, f. 162r–164r and BritLib Orient. 8192 f. 31v–34r. One can assume that the homily is an indigenous Ethiopian work. The homily focuses on the ethical aspects of Christian fasting and teaches that, in order for the fast to be valid, abstaining from food must be accompanied by proper moral conduct.

Słowa kluczowe:

homilia, post, język gyyz, edycja krytyczna, chrześcijaństwo wschodnie, Etiopia

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Krawczuk, M. (2023). The homily “On fasting” by Rǝtuʿa Haymanot (CAe 6587). Edition and translation. Warszawskie Studia Teologiczne, 36(1), 70–85.


Marcin Krawczuk 

Uniwersytet Warszawski Polska

Marcin Krawczuk - assistant professor at the Department of African Languages and Cultures, Faculty of Oriental Studies, University of Warsaw (26/28 Krakowskie Przedmieście Str., 00-927 Warsaw, Poland), research interests: Christian culture of Ethiopia, with particular emphasis on Gǝʿǝz literature.


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