The Mother of God in the life and religious vocation of St. Sister Faustina Kowalska

Grażyna Cuper

Uniwersytet Jana Pawła II w Krakowie (Poland)


The presence of Virgin Mary was crucial in the life and monastic vocation of St. Sister Faustina Kowalska. The Marian thread has a special place in her Diary. Since her early childhood the confidante of Mary fulfilling her vocation chose Mother of God to be her Teacher and the Mistress of her spiritual life. She was in the convent the patroness of which was Our Lady of Mercy. Sister Faustina lived the charism of this congregation. She had visions during which she saw Mary, talked to Her and heard Her words. She communed with her beloved Mother in a special way. The apostle of Divine Mercy visited the shrines of Częstochowa and Ostra Brama for few times. She also entrusted Poland – her beloved Motherland - to Mary.


Mother of God, monastic vocation, diary, letters, charism of the congregation, prayers, mystique, Queen of Poland, The Congregation of the Sister of Our Lady of Mercy, Marian theard.20

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Cited by

Cuper, G. . (2021). The Mother of God in the life and religious vocation of St. Sister Faustina Kowalska. Warsaw Theological Studies, 34(1), 20–35.


Grażyna Cuper 

Uniwersytet Jana Pawła II w Krakowie Poland

Grażyna Cuper — mgr polonistyki i teologii, od 1983 r. nauczyciel, wychowawca, katecheta w różnych typach szkół, obecnie doktorantka na Uniwersytecie Jana Pawła II w Krakowie, nauczyciel i wychowawca w Publicznej Szkole Podstawowej SPSK w Częstochowie im. Matki Bożej Nieustającej Pomocy.


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