Covid-19 and the Call to Sanitize Human Conscience
Prem Xalxo SJ
The Pontifical Gregorian University, Rome, Italy (Italy)
Amidst the unprecedented health crisis, annihilation of economy and social security, and upsurge in the loss of job opportunities caused by Covid-19, the emergence of a dynamic global spirit of collaboration has reinvigorated the human ability to work together to respond collectively to any peril that threatens the integral well-being of the entire humanity. The precautionary measures of washing our hands regularly, sanitizing oneself, using masks and maintaining social distances have rendered new meaning to human relationships. Apart from highlighting danger of dominant technocratic paradigm, the pandemic has also called for the sanitization of our conscience and unmask oneself to let the viruses of egocentric attitude, narcissism, greed, pride and unquenchable thirst for more and better which ultimately leads to the unbridled exploitation of the natural resources. Only a radical change in our life-style, which takes care of the basic needs, hopes, and aspirations of all forms of life, could reinforce and guarantee a better future.
Covid-19, pandemic, interconnectedness, technocratic paradigm, greed, pride, conscience, life-styleReferences
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Prem Xalxo SJThe Pontifical Gregorian University, Rome, Italy Italy
Prem Xalxo SJ — dr w zakresie teologii moralnej i wykładowca teologii moralnej na Uniwersytecie Gregoriańskim w Rzymie. Studia licencjackie odbył na Accademia Alfonsiana w Rzymie, studia doktoranckie na Uniwersytecie Gregoriańskim. Wydał Complementarity of Human Life and Other Forms of Life in Nature (Editrice Gregoriana 2007, dysertacja doktorska) oraz Current Ecological Crisis and Its Moral Dimension (Xavier Publications, 2008). Obecnie jest koordynatorem wspólnego dyplomu w zakresie Ekologii Integralnej — wspólnego przedsięwzięcia Uniwersytetu Gregoriańskiego oraz innych uczelni, mającego na celu stworzenie platformy dla współpracy interdyscyplinarnej i międzyuniwersyteckiej na rzecz troski o Ziemię jako nasz wspólny dom.
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