Teaching of Bl. John Duns Scotus about a lie on the background of his theory of a human moral act
The paper undertakes a study on the issue of a lie in morality, in the theory of Bl. John Duns Scotus. The Franciscan theologian shows iniquity of this act on the basis of a bad intention. The object alone isn’t sufficient for a final moral qualification. This teaching is consistent with Duns Scotus' theory of the moral act and it confirms it. It harmonizes with his metaphysics and epistemology.
John Duns Scotus, lie, moral actReferences
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Krzysztof NiewiadomskiKraków Poland
Krzysztof Niewiadomski OFM Cap – sacerdote, dottore di teologia morale (UPJP II). Abita nel convento dei cappuccini a Cracovia, dove anche svolge il compito sacerdotale. I suoi interessi di ricerca includono il personalismo e la teologia morale di Duns Scoto. Il suo indirizzo postale: ul. Loretańska 11, 31-14 Kraków (Polonia); e-mail: niewiadomski@kapucyni.pl.
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