Bona mors or bona mortis? Description of the death of St Monica in St Augustine's "Confessions" compared to the good results of death in "De bono mortis" by St Ambrose

Grzegorz Pakowski

Uniwersytet Kardynała Stefana Wyszyńskiego w Warszawie (Poland)


St Monica, the mother of St Augustine, was also a listener to St Ambrose's homilies. The Bishop of Milan also had a significant influence on her son's thought. Both St Augustine and Ambrose spoke on the subject of death, but used different literary forms - Augustine's Confessions are autobiographical, Ambrose is the author of the moral-theological booklet De bono mortis. The aim of this article is to answer the question to what extent the description of St Monica's death in the Confessions by St Augustine is a literary realisation of the philosophical and theological postulates related to bona mors (good death) formulated by St Ambrose in De bono mortis. The article consists of four parts. The first outlines the approach to the theme of death in Christian antiquity; the second discusses the basic elements of St Ambrose's concept as presented in De bono mortis; the third part juxtaposes the above concept with excerpts from St Augustine's Confessions; and the fourth part concludes and attempts to answer the research question posed.


Death, salvation, Augustine, Ambrose, Monica

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Cited by

Pakowski, G. (2023). Bona mors or bona mortis? Description of the death of St Monica in St Augustine’s "Confessions" compared to the good results of death in "De bono mortis" by St Ambrose. Warsaw Theological Studies, 36(1), 100–115.


Grzegorz Pakowski 

Uniwersytet Kardynała Stefana Wyszyńskiego w Warszawie Poland

Ks. mgr Grzegorz Pakowski - ksiądz archidiecezji warszawskiej, przyjął święcenia i uzyskał magisterium z teologii w 2019 r. Wcześniej ukończył prawo, stosunki międzynarodowe i filologię węgierską na Uniwersytecie Warszawskim. Od 2021 r. studiuje filologię klasyczną na Uniwersytecie Kardynała Stefana Wyszyńskiego (ul. Dewajtis 5, 01-815 Warszawa, Polska). Przygotowuje się do studiów z zakresu patrologii, zajmuje się kwestiami edukacji, relacji mistrz-uczeń oraz towarzyszenia duchowego w Biblii oraz w pismach Ojców Kościoła.


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