A kerygmatic 'second first announcement': the unheard of in the Gospel

François-Xavier Amherdt

Université de Fribourg, Suisse (Switzerland)


Following the example of Paul on the Areopagus in Acts 17, the preaching "to the unknown God" for our meaning-seeking contemporaries can take the form of a kerygmatic "second first proclamation" in postmodern spaces of cultural exchange. Just as the Apostle to the Gentiles witnessed to the Resurrection of Christ, so the Good News can reach out to our fellow travellers in humanity, even those far from the Christian faith, on the occasion of a particular event.

The contribution attempts to diffract the Gospel into 12 flashes of light likely to touch these "new beginners", provided that they are given an innovative impact: a dynamic and relational Lord; from the fragility of the God-child to human vulnerability; a God who is present both within and beyond us; the specific vocation of each person; the new energies of the Spirit within us; we must die to live; an amazing and paradoxical happiness; extravagant parables; love even of one's enemies; our co-responsibility as co-creators; the universal call to holiness; the meaning of history, the hope of the new earth and new heavens.


Unknown God, first proclamation, kerygma, new beginners, Acts 17, unheard of, Good News, Gospel, areopagus, postmodern, Paul

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Cited by

Amherdt, F.-X. (2023). A kerygmatic ’second first announcement’: the unheard of in the Gospel. Warsaw Theological Studies, 36(1), 118–135. https://doi.org/10.30439/WST.2023.1.7


François-Xavier Amherdt 

Université de Fribourg, Suisse Switzerland

François-Xavier Amherdt - est prêtre du diocèse de Sion (Valais – Suisse) depuis 1984. Ancien vice-directeur du séminaire et vicaire épiscopal de son diocèse, il a été dix ans curé-doyen de Sierre et Noës, puis directeur de l’Institut romand de Formation aux Ministères à Fribourg. Depuis 2007, il est professeur francophone de théologie pastorale, pédagogie religieuse et homilétique à l’Université de Fribourg (Suisse). Il est co-responsable du Comité italo-helvétique de la rédaction et directeur-adjoint de Lumen Vitae. Adresse : Université de Fribourg, Miséricorde, 20 Avenue de l’Europe, CH – 1700 Fribourg. Courriel : francois-xavier.amherdt@unifr.ch.


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