The Process of Abraham’s Conversion as Interpreted by Philo of Alexandria

Mateusz Wyrzykowski

Akademia Katolicka w Warszawie, Polska (Poland)


The article aims to present a reinterpretation of the history of Abraham's calling in the treatise of Philo of Alexandria. The text of Genesis (12:1-4) describes the patriarch's immediate reaction to the command to leave Haran. This process began in Ur. According to Philo, building a relationship between God and Abraham required proper preparation. First, he gave up worshiping the gods, and then he discovered that the world is material and spiritual. Philo emphasizes the long-term nature of the conversion process. This article presents and explains its individual stages - not described in the Hebrew Bible.


Philo of Alexandria, Abraham, conversion, Genesis, allegorical interpretation

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Cited by

Wyrzykowski, M. (2023). The Process of Abraham’s Conversion as Interpreted by Philo of Alexandria. Warsaw Theological Studies, 36(2), 128–141.


Mateusz Wyrzykowski 

Akademia Katolicka w Warszawie, Polska Poland

Mateusz Wyrzykowski – ksiądz archidiecezji warszawskiej; doktor teologii biblijnej na Katolickim Uniwersytecie Lubelskim. Ukończył seminarium translatorskie prowadzone przez Nida Institute American Bible Society na Pontificia Universita Urbaniana oraz Podyplomowe Studium Retoryki na Uniwersytecie Jagiellońskim. Wykładowca na Akademii Katolickiej oraz w Seminarium Duchownym w Warszawie.


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