John Paul II’s Charter of the Rights of the Family. The Social Dimension of Human Rights in Light of Natural Law

Carlos Alberto Gabriel Maino

Pontifical Catholic University of Argentina, Buenos Aires, Argentina (Argentina)


The teachings of Saint John Paul II in connection with the family in general and the Charter of the Rights of the Family in particular focus on the social dimension of human rights in the hermeneutic key of natural law and the common good. The author of the article explains why such an approach is necessary and what its importance is for an appropriate philosophy of human rights.


family, natural law, common good, human rights

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Cited by

Maino, C. A. G. (2023). John Paul II’s Charter of the Rights of the Family. The Social Dimension of Human Rights in Light of Natural Law. Warsaw Theological Studies, 36(2), 240–255.


Carlos Alberto Gabriel Maino 

Pontifical Catholic University of Argentina, Buenos Aires, Argentina Argentina

Carlos Alberto Gabriel Maino is a Senior Professor of Legal Philosophy and Jurisprudence at Pontifical Catholic University of Argentina (Av. Alicia Moreau de Justo 1300, C1107AAZ, C.A.B.A., Buenos Aires). He holds a doctorate in Law from the University of Santiago de Compostela, Spain, and teaches graduate and doctorate courses. He has authored a book and more than 30 articles published in books and academic journals in different countries. His research focuses on natural law theory and education policies.


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