About the Journal

The History of the Journal
The journal has been issued continuously since 1983. It was a quarterly until 2019 and was transformed into a biannual in 2020.
Journal publisher
“Warsaw Theological Studies” is an academic journal published by the Catholic Academy in Warsaw (3 Dewajtis Street, 01-815 Warsaw, Poland).
The Aims of the Journal
  • examining issues crucial for all branches of theology and other Christian sciences in the context of modern challenges;
  • promoting dialogue between theology and other areas of knowledge, which showcases theology both open to the contemporary problems and based on an in-depth acquaintance with its sources – Revelation and Tradition;
  • popularising the results of international theological research in Poland and implementing the domestic theological thought into the global corpora, mainly in Central Europe;
  • studying biblical, patristic and liturgical sources of theology.
Thematic scope
The topics of articles published in "Warsaw Theological Studies" include all branches of theology, from the dogmas through fundamental, moral and pastoral theology, to Biblical studies, patristics, liturgics and catechetics. The journal also features texts representing other Christian sciences, such as canon law, Catholic social science, Church history, philosophy and ethics, as well as auxiliary sciences, e.g., history of Christian art, sociology of religion or religiology. Although "Warsaw Theological Studies" generally focuses on Catholic theology, authors conducting research on other Churches and religious communities are welcome in the spirit of ecumenism.
Geografic scope
"Warsaw Theological Studies" are interested in countries where Christian thought is developing, both within the framework of the Western and Eastern Christian traditions.
Who can publish in our Journal?
The authors of the texts may be researchers from Poland and other countries dealing with theology, biblical sciences, canon law, Christian social science, history of the Church, philosophy, ethics, history of Christian art, sociology of religion and religious studies.
Type of texts to be published
"Warsaw Theological Studies" pages feature original research results, reviews, polemics, source literature criticism as well as reviews of important and current theological publications.
Publication languages
"Warsaw Theological Studies" is an international journal and features papers written in Polish, English, French, German, Italian and Spahish.
Review procedure
To maintain a high content-based standard, all submitted articles are subject to double-blind peer review procedures (more).
Open Access policy
The editorial policies of the Editorial Board of “Warsaw Theological Studies” are based on the Libre Open Access standard. This means that all articles published in “Warsaw Theological Studies” are available, i.e. they are immediately available and free of charge for reading, downloading, and sharing.  This also means that published articles cannot only be read, but also reused by others. Libre Open Access articles may be placed on any website, used for lectures, or may be included in so-called readers without authorization of the author or publisher. However, a proper reference to the author and license must always be included.

The policy regarding copyrights of articles published in "Warsaw Theological Studies" is as follows: copyright of published articles is retained by the authors. Articles published in "Warsaw Theological Studies" are under the terms of a Creative Commons license CC BY-ND 4.0 International  which permits:

  • Share: copy and redistribute the material in any medium or format; for any purpose, even commercially.

Under the following terms:

  • Attribution: you must give appropriate credit, provide a link to the license, and indicate if changes were made. You may do so in any reasonable manner, but not in any way that suggests the licensor endorses you or your use.
  • No Derivatives: if you remix, transform, or build upon the material, you may not distribute the modified material.

Agreement on article publication (download)

Author's declaration (download)

Publication Fees Policy: Authors do not bear any costs associated with the publication of their articles, i.e. article processing charges (APCs), language editing fees, colour charges, submission fees, page charges, membership fees, print subscription costs, other supplementary charges.  Authors also do not receive any financial reward for the published articles.

Archiving policy
Electronic files with articles published in "Warsaw Theological Studies" are archived for a lenghty period in the Digital Repository of the National Library (Warsaw, Poland) (Polona website).
Repository policy
The policy regarding depositing different versions of materials submitted to the journal is as follows. Authors are allowed to deposit: 1) submitted version, 2) an accepted version, and 3) a published version of their articles in an institutional or other repository of the author’s choice without embargo. This policy is registered on the website "Most Wiedzy" (click here).
Privacy statement
The names and email addresses entered in this journal site will be used exclusively for the stated purposes of this journal and will not be made available for any other purpose or to any other party.