Do symbols give rise to thought? Theoretical and didactic considerations on Paul Ricoeur's philosophy of reflection
Current thinking is strongly oriented towards the logos and sees the need for demythologizing. The myth seems to belong to past forms of consciousness that belong to a "naive" worldview. Today's thinking, however, has to be based on the ratio in still in the tradition of Descartes. Based on Paul Ricoeurs' philosophy of reflection, this article aims to show that the integration of symbolic forms like the myth but also poetry into today's thinking should not be understood as a departure from the logos, but rather as its expansion with ontological relevance. Finally, it should be explored to what extent such a way of thinking proves to be productive for educational processes.
philosophy of reflection, myth, logos, symbolic forms, religious educationReferences
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Marcin MorawskiRuhr-Universität Bochum, Germany Poland
Marcin Morawski — pracownik naukowy Katedry Pedagogiki Religii i Katechezy na Uniwersytecie Ruhry w Bochum oraz nauczyciel religii i filozofii w liceum. Ur. w 1980 roku we Wrocławiu, od 1987 roku mieszka w Zagłębiu Ruhry w Niemczech. W latach 2001-2006 odbył studia z teologii i filozofii na Uniwersytecie Ruhry w Bochum, a w 2004 roku studia na Papieskiej Akademii Teologicznej w Krakowie. W swojej pracy naukowej zajmował się pojęciem edukacji i formacji jako procesu transformacji i badał procesy transformacji pod wpływem doświadczeń obcej kultury.
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